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  • speak to; “He addressed the crowd outside the window”
  • the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with
  • The particulars of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated
  • (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored
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  • A binary number that identifies a particular location in a data storage system or computer memory

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"Painting for the Wind" ('61) & "Draw Circle Event" ('64-'65) by Yoko Ono for "INSTRUCTIVE AUTO-DESTRUCTION" by Anthony Cox in "Art and Artists", August, 1966 – 1

"Painting for the Wind" ('61) & "Draw Circle Event" ('64-'65) by Yoko Ono for "INSTRUCTIVE AUTO-DESTRUCTION" by Anthony Cox in "Art and Artists", August, 1966  - 1

— Page 20

"Yoko Ono Painting for the Wind, 1961 Almus Gallery, New York
Cut a hole. Cover with fine bamboo screen. Place it in the wind.
Cut a hole in a bag filled with seeds of any kind and place the bad where there is a wind."

Age: Sex: Male Female
Please check the following
1) I like to craw circles.

2) I have always drawn circles
3) I am a better circle-
drawer now.
in the past.
when I was _______ (age).

Other comments regarding your
circle experience:


(C) 1964 YOKO ONO

put stamp here

Send to:


Y. Y. C. 1, N. Y.

— Page 21

"Nuclear Painting Manifesto

The NUCLEARISTS desire to demolish all
the of a painting that inevitably
lapses into academicism, whatever its origin
may be. They desire and have the power
to receive painting.
From disintegrate: man’s new forms are
those of the atomic universe; the forces are
electrical charge. Ideal beauty is no longer
the property of a stupid hero-caste, nor of
the . But it coincides with the
representation of nuclear man and his
Our consciences charged with unforeseen
explorations prelude a FACT. The Nuclearist
lives in this situation, of which only men
with eyesight spent can fail to be aware.
Truth is not yours; it lies in the ATOM.
Nuclear painting documents the search
for this truth.
Brussels, 1st February, 1952"

Art and Artists
Volume One, Number Five
August 1966
Edited by Mario Amaya
London: Hansom Books, 1966

Private Collection of Mikihiko Hori


My mom had her 70th birthday this weekend. She had always wanted a search light – she always wanted to see how many people would come when she shined it in the sky. My brother rented a really cool old search light from World War II. My mom was so psyched!

Here the light is beaming up into the sky

Published in the Newburyport Daily News print edition front page October 16th, 2010